Join the Movement

Time to Act is a growing community of organizations and individuals across the country, building a movement for our freedom, our families, and our future. The stakes are high. With fascism on the rise, we have a duty to protect and defend each other and build a movement for us ALL.  

We are uniting to demand and defend our freedoms against authoritarianism and injustice. By coming together, we aim to make sense of this critical moment and take meaningful action to shape a just and equitable future.

The time to act is now.

Organizational Sign-on

The Situation Room is our collaborative hub where organizations unite to strategize and coordinate actions during this critical moment. By joining, you'll connect with groups nationwide to amplify our collective impact.

If you are an organization looking to join Time To Act’s Situation Room in order to collaborate and work with other organizations across the country - please fill out this form.

Individual Sign-on

 If you are looking to join our community, be part of our movement, and find out ways to act for our freedom, families, and future text TIME2ACT to 44310